Thursday, 30 September 2010

It's A Kind of Magic

Well, the leaves may be falling in the UK and many may be donning their jumpers and coats but here in Cyprus it’s Summer Fair season and the last two weekends have seen big family events at both Akrotiri and Episkopi.
The weekend before last, Aki hosted its second Family Fun Day, an annual event set to coincide with the Carter Cup Football Tournament. Amongst the usual festivities, stalls and hoards of hyperactive children fuelled by candy-floss and ice-cream, we were treated to a number of shows and demonstrations including an impressive exhibition of skills by the Dragon-Ki Tae Kwon Do club, and a titillating tidbit of a of the soon-to-be-premiered and much anticipated performance of “Allo-Allo” by the Flamingo Theatre Club. In addition, the children were treated to an awesome magic show, the highlight of which was the “impale the lady in the cardboard box with big metal spears” trick. This was received with mixed reviews, half the children had to be calmed from their shrieks of terrified hysteria, while the remainder were visibly disappointed by the distinct lack of blood. The general consensus however was that it was a great show, especially appreciated by the Dads, who applauded loudly when the lady emerged from her impaled incarceration, not only unscathed, but wearing a skimpier outfit than the one in which she entered the box.
Also part of the day’s events was the It’s A Knockout event. Having participated last year, and still having the scars (both physical and emotional), I had the considerable advantage of being a spectator this year and watch as teams from all units across the base contend with inflatable obstacle courses, Gladiators-style pole-battles, surf-board rodeo machines and bungee runs, all whilst being liberally doused with soap suds and hose blasts from sadistic PT instructors. My hearty congratulations go to the Akrotiri Ladies Events team who, for the second year running, won the coveted Wooden Spoon. Go, girls!
The evening was rounded off by a rousing gig by local band Craggy Island who kept the crowds jumping through till the small hours. Thankfully, the rain held off and, unlike last year, the PA system did not malfunction in a shower of sparks and bring the night’s events to a premature end.
Last weekend it was the turn of Episkopi to host their Summer Fete. The whole of the Happy Valley thronged with thousands of visitors coming to experience the various events which included Morris Dancing , Dog Shows, Bomb Disposal Demos, live bands and a Freefall Parachuting Display. There were stalls aplenty representing traders, charities and organisations from across the island, not only military but local Cypriots and ex-pats, too. The annual Summer Fete has proved to be a much anticipated event over the years and, once again, it didn’t disappoint.
Over the next few months are planned several events and shows that help keep the community alive here, including the already mentioned rendition of “Allo-Allo” which will be performed al-fresco with the audience encouraged to dress in suitable 1940s France attire and bring a picnic. The month of October will not only see a rash of Oktoberfest celebrations, for many an excuse to dust down the leather leiderhosen and naughty barmaid outfits (and that’s just the guys!) but it is also time for the annual Akrotiri Ladies’ Events Fashion Show. This popular event is not only a showcase for finding the perfect ballgown for the oncoming Ball season, but, this year, has the added twist of hosting an auction for the most coveted outfits. Think about it, 200 ladies in one location, filled with Brandy Sours and bravado clamouring for the same taffeta number. Could be interesting.....
Well, that’s enough to think about for now. I’ll be back soon with more news from the WSBA.

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